Improve your business
The most innovative method of business improvement based on personal and company development combining marketing, communication, pnl and theta healing®.

Business (r)evolution:
1. Personal development
2. Tailored marketing
3. Corporate Training

It works because it's simple.
All companies are made of people. Daily experience teaches us that a truly comprehensive and integrated approach to business improvement only be developed simultaneously working on the organization, the company image and the individuals that compose it (CEO, executives, managers and employees).

All necessary actions are made​using the best professionals and the best tools available today: marketing consulting and communications for the organization and image, pnl® and theta healing for personal and interpersonal growth.

We want teach you how to walk on your own.
The goal we set for ourselves is to relocate all you need to make your future better.
Personal growth Results always exceed expectations.
We believe that business growth should be achieved in a harmonious way and consistent with the specific values peculiar to each individual. And we have found through our experience that the growth of single individuals leads automatically to a corresponding growth of business.

Our customers have all embraced the idea of​our business. Which one? We propose models of businesses, ethical and participatory, based on a win-win logic, in a respectful vision of the deepest values ​​of our society and the basic logic of a real success in both the short and the long term.

Tailored marketing
Results always exceed expectations.
We are all accustomed in thinking that one plus one makes two. Now imagine putting two people together in the right mood and with the right tools available, do you still think what they will be able to do is just the sum of what they would do individually? And think if these people were three, four or five...

Provide the best tools to fully realize the potential of both individuals as organizations: this is our mission.
Who we are
We are a group of professionals, each one with a specific expertise in its field of action, able to operate under a single, shared vision. The staff of Life (r)evolution operates under the supervision of its founder, Luca Lamberti, to provide advice and training for all that concerns personal growth and education of individuals as members of the organization.

The staff at Mente Locale offers marketing consulting services and integrated communication, managing the corporate image and performs analysis and advice in the case of re-organization.
In each corporate case other business professionals are also involved, belonging to our network of collaborators, in a highly flexible and proportionate to the real needs of the client.
Il progetto
Personal development

- Thetahealing: intensive seminars (2-4 days), re-programming tailored re-programming for the company/group:
- Seminars in beliefs reprogramming and manifestation (2-4 days, not consecutive)
- Individual sessions (45-60min each)
- Work on specific single company and/or individuals
- Face Reading (NLP applied visual) 2-day intensive seminar. Follow-up
- Colors Therapy (consulting businesses,)
- Numerology (consulting businesses,)
- Consistency of Heart Meditation - cerebral - "anti-stress" HeartMath Method (using the emWave®, breathing and relaxation)
- energy / vibrational various treatments (crystals, kinesiology, pitch, energy healing)
- Sales Training

Tailored marketing

- Marketing consultancy (strategic and operational)
- Managing corporate image - Integrated communications services
- Analysis and advice re-organization or optimization of the organization in place