Life (r)evolution

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The copyright holder of the entire content of this site is Mr. Luca Lamberti(
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The texts present on this site are freely usable and not for profit purposes, on condition that the source of origin is clearly mentioned, the possible authors of the text, when indicated, the editing dates and update and the relative url.
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Life (r)evolution ensures that the processing of personal data sent by email or electronic forms, including registration, is in accordance with the provisions of Italian current law on privacy (Legislative Decree no. June 30, 2003, 196 , in force since January 1, 2004 and subsequent amendments).
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The rights of interested parties are those specified in Article 7 of the Privacy Code and may be exercised by making an informal request, even by letter, fax or mail to the owner or controller of personal data.
Medical disclaimer
All technical information contained in this website are intended to interpretation of the energetic and global state of the individual. They do not involve any medical diagnostic evaluations, treatments or does not constitute medical treatments. They are a collaborative support and are not meant to replace any medical, specialists and physician actions.