Body, Mind and Spirit

At Life (r)evolution we always consider people in their totality, and then as composed by body, mind and spirit. We know that none of these components can be neglected and that taking care of each one of them is of fundamental importance to achieve its objective: well-being.
Our team is composed by professionals who can offer their best in each of the disciplines that we deal with: ThetaHealing, yoga, rebirthing, applied kinesiology, crystal therapy, HeartMath.

Individual sessions and courses

Individual sessions are the best way to know each other and to obtain large and surprising results. In individual sessions, we treat very different topics and issues, always with a careful analysis of each case and always striving for the greatest good of the individual.
To these we added a training activity in order to being able to provide all the best tools available today to take care of oneself.
The courses are in fact aimed at providing the theoretical and practical basis of the methods taught, so that each participant may, independently, pursue its path of growth and healing.