Fitness (r)evolution
A project in 5 key points
Fitness (r) evolution Project comes as the last piece in completing the life (r) evoution project, to give an opportunity for anyone to stay fit, to have the right relationship with food and your own body.

In order to be beautiful inside out
1. work on food intolerance (with Thetahealing and Applied Kinesiology)
2. reprogramming the subconscious level of our relationship with our body
3. improve and correct, where necessary, the assimilation of certain elements / essential food
4. rhythm, Thetahealing workshop of 4-6 hours dedicated to fitness and weight loss
5. solve / improve our blocks in interpersonal relationships of any kind (family, friends, work…)

Body, mind and spirit
Taking care of ourselves in a truly complete way also means taking care of our bodies.
Body, mind and spirit are different manifestations of our being here and now, interrelated and interdependent.

Wellness at 360°
Wellbeing can be defined as "the emotional, mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being that enables people to achieve and maintain their personal potential in society" (source: report of the of the European Observatory Commission on Health Systems and Health Policies).
Physical well-being is also related to certain patterns, beliefs, subconscious programs. Working on these aspects produces significant, immediate and lasting changes in our body and allows us to re-schedule our relationship with our body.
Also allows us to reach a deep and comprehensive wellness, necessary to develop our full potential.

Who We Are
The entire staff of Life (r) evolution project operates within Fitness (r) evolution. Each one offers its own contribution and provides its expertise in its field of specialization.

ThetaHealing®; HeartMath®, meditation, yoga, Rebirthing e Sound Healing are some of the methods used by our operators, individually or in combination, in the treatments and courses.

rhythm to a perfect weight
How to lose weight without dieting

Thanks to the new course of Vianna Stibal, you will learn how to transform, in an easy and durable way, programs, attitudes, depowering beliefs that are not useful for your body and your life will freed from what compels you in gaining weight and learn an amazing way to reprogram your brain on how to lose weight!