Vianna Stibal
in Italy 2014
Prices and Costs of Classes
Choose the class or classes that you wish to take and book your place now.
For logistical reasons, seats are limited, so hurry up booking yours.
The offer and the reservation will be valid until the exhaustion of available seats.
All prices include:
- Teaching material
- Official certification by THInK Institute
- 1 coffee break in the morning

If it has been more than 4 years since you obtained your Instructor's certificate, it is time to recertificate.
For all events in Italy, October 2014, THInK and Vianna have planned a special discount for recertification, amounting to &eur; 300 for each seminar on the balance to be paid to THInK.
(for example: the standard balance for the class “Teacher's Basic DNA” is 875eur, for recertifications is only 575eur).
Take advantage of this opportunity and book your place.

Booking & Contact
Info & Reservations:
Tel. +39 347.747 9684

Thetahealing day
Buy your ticket in advance to meet Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing.
This event is open to all, not only to practitioners like following events.

Book now, click on the classes of your choice.